Mosque’s Reception phone numbers: 8(495)951-84-48; 8(495)951-17-81

Address:   28, Bolshaya Tatarskaya Street, Moscow, 115184, Russia                                                                         

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Charitable Fund “The Historical Mosque”

Home \ Charitable Fund “The Historical Mosque”


Charitable Fund “The Historical Mosque” is an officially registered (since Feb 2001) non-profit organization that was founded to assist the needy Moslems applying for the financial aid to our mosque. The reason for the creation of a Moslem charitable fund was a large number of applications from the poor and the needy. The fund depends on your personal support and on the donations from individuals and companies that donate to the mosque’s charitable fund.

Charitable Fund “The Historical Mosque” of Moscow, on the basis of Sharia norms, its Charter, decisions of the Fund’s Board and wishes of its benefactors, provides financial assistance to the following persons:

1) Low-income families with children with disabilities and severe illnesses: cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, cancer, etc. We strive to support low-income families with children with serious physical ailments. Our main social assistance aims to help such children to compensate for the lack of hearing and/or vision, severe form of cerebral palsy, lack of limbs. So often do we see in the eyes of these children and their parents hope for the help...  

2) Orphans and children without parental care.

3) Orphanages of Moscow and Moscow region. Assistance to orphans has long been considered a holy deed and one of the most important manifestations of charity. We try to help children gain the opportunity to stay in normal conditions similar to “real home”.

4) Persons in hospitals of Moscow so that they can receive treatment for serious diseases (oncology, disability, etc.). When one finds himself in tribulation and the person suddenly faces the fact of a serious disease, great efforts and substantial amounts of money for the treatment are needed because medical services are not cheap nowadays.

5) Persons who have lost their property in a fire. People deprived of their homes in the result of a fire fall into a deadlock and it is vital to provide at least a minimum care.

6) Prisoners, as well as to those who return after imprisonment to the permanent place of their residence. Life of prisoners in jails and detention centers are monotonous. Day after day, for many years all they see are the same gray walls. Distribution of religious literature is a “spiritual nutrition” and a “spiritual weapon” in their fight against human sins and despair.

7) The disabled and the poor: one-time financial assistance in the form of products (during religious holidays). Meat distribution program for the people with disabilities, the poor and Muscovites with large families is held once a year and is dedicated to the religious holiday of Eid al-Adha. Assistance is provided to about 800 low-income families. 

If our Fund's program has found an echo in your hearts, we ask you to provide financial support as soon as possible. Perhaps, it will save someone's life or alleviate the suffering of people caught in a difficult situation. Said the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him: “Verily, usefulness (perfection) of your Islam is in that you pay Zakat”; “Hasten to do good, indeed a misfortune can not step over a donation...”


House 28, Bolshaya Tatarskaya Street, 115184, Moscow
Phone: 8-(495) 951-17-81, 8-(495) 951-84-48   


You can bring sadaqah – charitable donation (or zakat – alms-giving) in cash to the Mosque (refer to the administration of the mosque, Secretary Alsu) or make a non-cash transfer to the bank account of the Fund.


Almighty Allah says in the Qur'an: “ steadfast in prayer and pay zakat...” - (58:13); “...Never will you attain the good (reward) until you spend (in the way of Allah) from that which you love...” - (3:92)



Charitable Fund “The Historical Mosque” of Moscow, in accordance with Sharia norms, provides financial assistance to the following persons:

1) Low-income families with children with disabilities and severe illnesses: cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, cancer, etc.

2) Orphans and children without parental care.

3) Persons in hospitals of Moscow so that they can receive treatment for serious diseases (oncology, disability, etc.).

4) Persons who have lost their property in a fire.

5) Prisoners, as well as to those who return after imprisonment to the permanent place of their residence.

6) The disabled and the poor: one-time financial assistance in the form of products (during religious holidays).

7) Orphanages in Moscow and Moscow region.

In order to obtain financial assistance, all the persons mentioned above should have a full list of documents: passport, disability certificate, other medical certificates and extracts from medical history, etc.

Other categories of people may receive assistance in the form of a one-time Sadaqah - (it’am) free food in the refectory of the Mosque.